Mirjam Loves To Fuck

I am so impressed with Nubiles.net, lately they have been treating members to an unexpected extra hardcore update in addition to the weekly one that we already anticipate every Tuesday. It’s not all the time but when it happens I feel like a kid on Christmas :p

This week Russian blonde spinner Mirjam joins the other hardcore girls as an added bonus for us devoted members! She is absolutely incredible too. Her teen hardcore video had me doing back flips, no shit! It was that fucking wonderful!

See Mirjam‘s teen fuck video for yourself. Witness her spectacular blow job. Wait… it’s not just any regular cock sucking job, it’s a full out deep throating face fuck and she takes it like such a champ! Then she lets this lucky fucker slide his cock deep into her virgin tight pussy until he explodes into her open and willing mouth!

Originally Syndicated via RSS from Nubilesblog.com

Updated: September 2, 2009 — 8:00 pm